Sunday, November 12, 2017

Hi Everyone,

I hope the adjustment into winter was as smooth as possible last week.  I think we were all equally shocked when it went from 75 to 25 in what seemed like one day...With that in mind, please make sure that your child is coming in for the day with warm weather gear.  Students go outside for recess daily unless we have rain or unusually cold temperatures.  

Field Trip

On a similar note, we took a brisk fall/winter walk to the new town library.   We learned about the bridge artwork project at All School Share this week, and went to check out two submissions for project.  The choices were between a train mockup representing historical buildings in town, or colorful bird sculptures.  The reactions and votes varied, some students loved the birds while others liked how the train design represented memorable places in town.


Students continue to write fiercely about fictional texts in reading class.  This coming week students will put together what they have learned about writing pit-stops and summaries, into a longer form of writing.  Depending on the pace of student’s learning, we will begin a unit on nonfiction authors either before or shortly after Thanksgiving break.  


Many of you saw clips of your children’s paragraph writing recently.  With that unit wrapped up both classes have started a new realistic fiction writing unit.  We have started learning about a range of strategies to conquer fiction writers block, how to create story ideas, and expectations so far.  Stay tuned and keep an eye on Seesaw for writing samples!

Important Dates:
-November 22-26-Thanksgiving Break
-December 1st-After School Cross Country Ski Forms Due
-December 2nd-River of Light Lantern Parade from 5:00-6:00 pm

Have a great week,

Mr. G